Monday, November 18, 2002

B3ta boarder "Izb" has made a cool site that allows you to graffiti any site on the web with your own purile scribblings. I put a cock on Football 365, aren't I clever. You can have a play with it here.

Friday, November 08, 2002

Web games are often dissapointing with a short life span. Not this time.This is just absurdly good.

Thursday, November 07, 2002

This little driving game occupied me for 5 minutes. I'm not very good at it though, I kept swerving for the kittens.
My computers clock is fucked. The time jumps back exactly half an hour at random intervals (and never when I'm looking). So this makes a more than adequate, and very stylish, substitute.
Just when you thought Americans couldn't get any barmier, they come up with this. Mad as biscuits.

Tuesday, November 05, 2002

Godlike genius Tomsk from B3TA has made a basic, but very cool, flash drawing tool here, go forth and create!!

Monday, October 28, 2002

New colour-scheme, ooooooh!!
Right time to stop taking this thing seriously and do something about it!!
One reason I've not been on in some time is I have been over in Africa with Sammy boy, where we did some of this;
It's fucking big you know!!

but more of this;
And so is this thing!!

and this;
What a TWAT!!!

Largely recovered from that now, and will hopefully be on here on a daily basis, with the finest linkage known to man.
Oh, by the way clicky and laugh.

Sunday, July 28, 2002

Well, someone feels like a right tit this morning, and that someone would be, well, err, ME. Just when you think you've plumbed all the available depths of stupidity, you find a totally new level to rise to. Whoever heard of someone going out clubbing for the first time in months and going to the WRONG FUCKING CLUB. What a bell-end. Good night out though. While I'm on the subject, this is new to me, and well worth a hungover hour. Right, off to the glue factory for me. Good night though.

Tuesday, July 23, 2002

Well, let's just get something on here for now, and If you've found your way here before I've been arsed to go anything good, go hereand waste some time looking at funny things!!